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Sep 7, 20221 min read
We're back!
We realize that you haven’t heard much from Astraios lately. We’ve been busy working on an exciting new project! We are currently...
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Jan 25, 20215 min read
Twelve Musician Puzzles
It was rehearsal day, the day before we were going to record the Christmas concert, and we were discussing how we might try to put an...
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Jan 22, 20205 min read
What is Music Theory, and why does it matter?
Music theory, at its core, asks two simple questions: why does music sound the way it does and what causes it to sound that way?
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Oct 24, 20191 min read
October 27, 2019 program
We hope you're planning to join us live on Friday, October 25th or Sunday, October 27th. But for our fans who are out of state, we will...
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Sep 24, 20194 min read
Stravinsky's Octet
Today we’re talking about a piece for a quirky combination of instruments. (You know us. Astraios loves quirky combinations of...
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Apr 25, 20196 min read
A Brief History of Chamber Music
We've spent time on this blog talking about how to listen to chamber music, but we have yet to dig into what chamber music actually is...
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Jan 26, 20193 min read
The transitive property of instruments
Anyone who knows me will not be shocked to find out I didn’t even consider that Sunday is the Super Bowl when we scheduled this concert....
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Oct 30, 20182 min read
Chamber music with friends
Often, when you’re at an Astraios concert, we’ll mention that chamber music comes from a tradition of friends gathering to play music...
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Sep 23, 20181 min read
What's in a name?
We get it. "Astraios" is a goofy word. And we've heard every pronunciation in the book. AZ-trie-ohs. Az-TRAY-uhs. As-tree-OHS. And,...
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Aug 21, 20181 min read
Welcome to Astraios's new blog series!
Welcome to Astraios’s new blog series! As part of our new look, we wanted to create a way to continue the Astraios experience outside the...
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Aug 21, 20184 min read
Why is Bach so great?
Personally, I could play Bach all day. But I know a lot of people hear the name “Bach” and shut down. He’s the epitome of the “dead...
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Aug 18, 20183 min read
St. Anthony and the Fishes
Welcome! Today I want to introduce you to Mahler’s St. Anthony and the Fishes. This is one of the most popular pieces in The August...
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Jun 22, 20183 min read
Witches and String Quartets
Today we’re talking string quartets, and are featuring a short recording by the Emerson Quartet. This multi-Grammy award winning string...
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